The start of a new school year always feels like the “real” new year to me. Maybe because the transition from summer to fall feels the most abrupt, with vacations ending and school starting (keep in mind I have no kids and rarely take a vacation in the summer, sooooo it must be the “back to school” photos I see on Facebook.)

My urge to nest occurs in the fall. I like to hunker down at home in the winter, so I start planning any room “refreshes” right around now.

First up is the bedroom. I’ve gotten tons of compliments on the custom bed I had built last year - but since it was designed to be assembled by the builder, and therefore shipping it isn’t realistic - I found a very similar looking one from AllModern to anchor your bedroom refresh!

My bedroom is a mix of natural oak, whites and grays; that color palette calms my mind (and helps me sleep.) To name a few of my favorites included below are: a great end of bed bench to store your grown up stuffed animals (aka throw pillows); nightstands with storage; a pom pom throw blanket for the end of the bed (which doubles as a chew toy if you have a new puppy in the house); a killer flat-weave rug; and my favorite lounge chairs.

And on my bedroom wall, I have an oversized framed version of “Tranquility” hanging :)

I would love to hear what you’re up to “refresh-wise” this fall. And I know what I really need to tackle next…organizing the kitchen drawers!